Gray Jeans and Plaid Cardigan

photos by: Jeannie Vuong You know when you’re cleaning out your closet and there’s a few clothing items that you know you’ve had for more than two years but it looks so good on [...]

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Boho Top

photos by:Molly Barnett I’ve been seeing a lot of boho and 70’s vibe all over the internet lately, I was feeling like I gotta get on the wagon. After all, I always thought that I [...]

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I’m going to one up you!

Do you have a really good friend that is more posh and put together than you? I do! It’s not enough that we work together, he just has to one up me when it comes to outfits. This post is [...]

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Last Chance

{photo by: Paulina Guttierez} I think this will be the last week that I will be wearing a short sleeved shirt.  Where I live, who even knows what the weather will be like…I’m not [...]