I’m feelin’ real LUCKY!
Happy weekend fashionistas! I’ve been the author of this blog for almost two years now and I’m still getting used to it. As you all know, I live for fashion and art and this blog is my outlet to share my great finds and my own personal style to the world!
In a couple of weeks, April 4-5 to be exact, I will be traveling to LAX to be with my fellow blogger fashionistas to attend Lucky Magazine’s FABB (fashion and beauty blog) conference! It’s my first blogger conference ever and I’m so excited to meet other bloggers and other fashion experts to learn the tricks of the trade! Don’t worry, I will be posting blogs about this event and will also be active on my social media handles (duh?! what else would I be doing during the conference);) So stay tuned….and look for #ptowngirlsxluckyfabb during that week to see pics during my trip!