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DIY: Peter Pan Collar Necklace!

So I’ve been really into crafts lately maybe because I don’t go out that much anymore, or it’s just really freaking cold outside so I’ve put all my energy into being [...]

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Another Huge Thrift Store Haul from Salvation Army

Who’s a shop-a-haulic? I am! But I don’t feel so bad since it’s 50% off day at my favorite thrift store the Salvation Army!!! Hope you guys like it and comment down below if you [...]

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How I style my…VARSITY JACKET!

Hey guys! One of my favorite fall piece is my varsity jacket! I hope you all like it! FOLLOW US: http://theptowngirls.blogspot.com/ SHOP OUR CLOSET: http://theptowngirls.storenvy.com/ IG: [...]

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Shop my Closet! We just joined Store Envy!

Hey guys! We just joined store envy! Storenvy is a social marketplace for indie shoppers and sellers. Here I can pretty much sell some of the goodies that either Yoshi makes (she makes [...]