Payday Wishes: FRINGE
Music festival is upon us and although I’m not going to any this year, I’m presenting you with my latest obsession with fringe! Thank you Native Americans for thinking of repelling rain with your fringed garments that made this fashion statement a household name.
It was in the 20s that fringe was made to be a decorative statement with the “flapper’ girls where the length of the dresses though short, looked like it was longer with tinsel fringe. Elvis popularized fringe in the 50’s and it just blew up in the 60’s with the “hippie” movement where young society was where all about civil rights.
Now, the fringe has made headway once again with more subtle silhouettes on dresses, shirts, shoes, and even handbags. The best little addition to any wardrobe to have.
There’s more fringe: