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That shoe with Jute Rope–Espadrilles

Photo By: {Paulina Gutierrez) It’s summer time and everyone is rocking’ their favorite sandals but sometimes, you gotta switch it up. Enter the other alternative: Espadrilles.  [...]

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Capped Out

This year, I was in charge of one of my best friend’s graduation party decorations. I was running around town busy and I knew I wasn’t going to have enough time to get ready so I [...]

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This Thing called A MIDI

I can’t believe I have abandoned my blog for six days! But no worries cause I’m comin’ at you with a new outfit post—this thing called a MIDI Skirt.  Wasn’t [...]

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Why yes…I’m wearing a TURBAN

Turbans worked really well for me when I was a little girl because I hated wearing plastic headbands that hurt the side of my ear, can someone second me on that?  Turbans like this one [...]

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The Shift Dress: Who Wore It First?

I love florals. Especially when I can find them for a deal! I found this Forever 21 dress at the thrift store by my house for only $4!!! I love that I can pair this shift dress with [...]

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Black and White Loafers

I used to see my dad run around in the 80’s wearing these super iconic “preppy” penny loafer shoe. He used to rock them with his faded jeans and a button up. I remember not [...]

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